The recruitment process

Stage 1
Analysis of the CV / personal questionnaire
Each CV we receive is analyzed by the recruiter in terms of compliance with the job description for which we are looking for an employee.

Stage 2
Telephone interview
Then the recruiter contacts the selected candidates by phone to present our company and the position we are recruiting closer to. During the interview, we talk about the candidate’s knowledge, skills and experience. We also ask about the expectations of the candidate.

Stage 3
Meeting with a direct supervisor
This stage gives the candidate the opportunity to meet the future supervisor directly, see the workplace and get answers to bothering questions.

Stage 4
Presentation of job offer
Within 14 days from last meeting, we present the recruitment result and submit an employment offer.

Stage 5
The process of professional adaptation
Before you start your daily work, we prepare an initial training schedule for each employee and establish a mentor who supports a new employee in acquiring knowledge and skills during the first 3 months of work.
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